Professor Chris McWilliam

Professor Chris McWilliam has over 30 years experience as an Academic Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry in the NHS in the UK, specialising in Hospital and Community Based Multi Disciplinary Service Provision for Elderly Mentally Ill patients.

He has a higher degree in Gerontology and has held Fellowships of the Royal Colleges of Psychiatry and Public Health for many years.

He has been Medical Director of two NHS Mental Health and Community trusts and has created frameworks for Old Age Psychiatry Services in Cheshire, West Midlands and North West England.

During his career he has had and retains Academic Links with many Universities in the UK and abroad and remains active in teaching and research, including Post Graduate education and development of e-learning programmes for medical and non medical care providers and in improving links between statutory service providers, the private sector and those requiring care and their supporters.

He also has extensive experience in psychopharmacology with over 30 years experience in clinical research in the UK, Europe and the USA.

He has been instrumental in researching and introducing new medications for the treatment of Dementia and other conditions affecting the Elderly.

He has extensive experience in quality monitoring of service provision and spent some years as a service reviewer for and as the national psychiatric adviser to the Health Care Commission and as a member of the Parole Board.

He also spent over twenty years as a Clinical Assessor and Specialist Panel Adviser in Psychiatry for the General Medical Council.(GMC Associate) and as a service reviewer for the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

He is a qualified Case Investigator and Medical Appraiser under the new Medical Revalidation regulations (MHPS standards)

He has now retired from NHS work and is managing director of his own Consultancy Firm specialising in medico-legal work, teaching and research in the UK and abroad and retains a special interest and expertise in matters relating to Capacity and Service Provision in Old Age.

He has multiple publications in his fields of interests and takes a keen interest in use of the media to raise awareness of the problems affecting the elderly and their carers.