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Welcome to the 2nd international conference of the Centre of Excellence Safety of Older People. This year’s event will focus on the safety of older people’s care and ensuring the wellbeing of healthcare staff.
We are delighted to welcome you to this international conference on improving safety in Older People and maintaining the wellbeing of the healthcare workforce. As a result of advances in medicine, improvements in healthcare, healthier lifestyles and diet we are now living in a society where people are living longer. Demographic projections show that more than 4% of the population will be aged over 85, and greater than 20% will be over the age of 65 by the year 2033. It is imperative that we find ways to provide safe and efficient health and social care for older people in a compassionate and innovative way. We still have a huge ongoing challenge in relation to preventing avoidable harm and thereby achieving a culture of safety and zero harm. The incidents and episodes around avoidable harm can have devastating consequences for patients, service users and families and the staff involved in the care. The conference themes include:
COVID-19 has been a generational challenge. Doctors and health professionals have risen to the
challenge but as the NHS tries to reset and recover, the stress and strains are beginning to show. Huge numbers of doctors have reported suffering from depression, anxiety, stress and burnout, with 38% reporting that this has become worse since the pandemic. It is of paramount importance that we are able to address the health and wellbeing of the health and social care workforce.
The conference aims to bring international expertise and thinking on these issues together in one place. The speakers are national and international experts in the field of global health, medicine for older people, patient safety, regulation, support and wellbeing, and as such this day marks an important and unique occasion to share and reflect on best practice in these areas.
Professor Iqbal Singh CBE FRCP
Chair Centre of Excellence in the Safety of Older People (CESOP) and the Centre for Remediation, Support and Training (CRST)
Call for Abstracts Now Open
We welcome abstracts for this international conference and an opportunity to present and share at the conferen
ce. For full details and the submission form please click here.
Why attend?
This conference will enable you to:
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